Friday, April 16, 2010

Things eventually turned better

Like expected, misery will eventually leave me. Yeah, it was great to go out to get some fresh air when I was in such a darn mood. At least, I managed to get pessimism out of my brain for a moment. Somehow, when I am all alone again, I can't help but to think of the difference. Yeah, how different human can be. We are all of the same species, but none of us are alike! And the thing that upset me most is always when I thought that that person is somehow one of my kind, he or she just isn't. It wasn't just some things that happened recently. This circumstance had been repeatedly happening in my life. And, the same kind of misery will take place after the realization. And, like expected again, I will then realize the fact that... some things are just impossible, and let everything move on like the way it should.

There are just way too many impossibilities in this stupid stereotypical realistic world. And, if you keep holding it, so tightly that you yourself hardly could breathe, things will not get any better. Instead, things will worsen.

Let me release the despondency in me and embrace the gaiety in my life now. =D



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