Sunday, April 11, 2010

Relocating. Why?

I have been wondering if I should relocate my blog. I have been making a lot of changes to my old blog such as changing the url (for quite a handful of times already), changing the blog template, changing the blog title, changing the content, changing the arrangements of gadgets, changing changing changinggg... Oh, what else?

Few days back, I have this strong feeling that I gotta dump some of my memories behind. I kept tolerating with things that hold me back. After deep consideration, I finally decided to leave my old blog and start a new blog. I guess that I can stick to this for long. Things look simple and clean now. Fancy stuff just don't fit me for long even though I love fanciness very much. Uh, I can't explain why!

Anyway, I hope the blog url is easily summoned into your mind. Shine Dim Dim. Lmao. There is a reason for that of course. It's just the way I would love to shine, being a Miss Sunshine. Shining dimly, just nice for an evening walk.

Ah.. I guess that's all for my first post. (The word "first" sounds so awkward to me!)

Okay. Chaos.



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