Saturday, May 15, 2010

7 things I dislike most, so far.

#1 Bookstores without seats

I need to read the book before I buy the book!! (You can still read when you stand wert??) No! I have to sit when I read. :]

#2 Waiting for someone for more than 15 minutes.
5th minute- I am bored.
10th minute- I am tired.
15th minute- I am impatient.
>15th minute- I am SO-GONNA-SCREW-YOU-UP! But, everyone knows I won't. =)

#3 Disturbance at night
I dislike it when neighbours who live behind my house watching TV at night.
I dislike it when my sister comes in and out of my room at night.
I dislike it when my mom calls me to do some stuff when I am in my room at night. I dislike sms-ing at night. (It's a different story when it's midnight. I love sms-ing when it's late night. =P)

#4 Crowd
Crowd is a word to define you-are-so-gonna-sweat-in-there. It limits movements. It limits time. Ughh.. I anti-crowd!!

#5 Plagiarist
Plagiarists shuckss!!

#6 Make-ups
I don't believe make-ups will make someone beautiful eternally. But, there are times that make-ups are kinda necessary. So, I will just say, I dislike putting make-ups, unless there's a need doing so.

#7 Seeing friends emo
Friends emo, saya emo. Bila saya emo, saya apa-apa pun tak boleh buat. Saya hanya mahu jadi orang gila dan menjerit-jerit!! *monkey*

*Haha.. Just for fun! :P



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