Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thanks.. What a shame

Finally, my mom gave me money to buy my Nikon D90 DSLR.

The money didn't come easy. I knew. She worked hard in the past few months to earn the money for me to get it. Every piece of note paid for this camera aches my heart. I feel so ashamed of myself. To get me something that I need for my course, I had to put so much burden on my parents. My dream is accomplished because, because and because of my parents. Paying that darn bloody expensive fees, paying that darn expensive camera, giving me extra ++ allowance just because of the shopping temptation in me in the past few months and my carelessness of losing my own wallet last week*,.... those are definitely not the reason I am born in this world.

*I overspent until I spent all my own savings.. Besides, because of my carelessness, my wallet was stolen/lost/dunno what dunno what. Money flies here and there. I was so darn broke. But, because, because and because of my considerate mom who gave me ++ allowance, my financial problem is settled...... I feel so malu now. Why do they have to be responsible on my irresponsibility? This sucks! I sucks!


I prohibit myself from getting ANY clothes in these few months.
I prohibit myself from eating too much of expensive food (like as if I am born in a DARN BLOODY RICH family).
I prohibit myself from having Starbucks more than once in a week.

YES! I am saying this for real. Slap myself if I break any of these.


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