Oh well. My most hectic semester is finally over. There are way to much to talk about this semester. In fact, these 3 months make me felt like a year.
Education wise, I have to say I really had learned a lot of stuff in this semester. These guest lecturers are no jokers. They torture students like they don't feel a pain for us at all. They see us stress out, they see us clueless. Yet, they will just stand at a side, watching the students being tortured. If you're looking at this at the negative side, you would say they are crazy, insane, etc. But if we seriously think at the bright side, or even compare the present and the past, damn! So much of difference. I would say I finally know where's my limit. I discovered many potentiality in myself that I have never ever thought of. I got to see the real and fake faces. And I forced myself to put in as much knowledge as possible at the shortest time. It was a challenge. But whether I managed to make it through successfully is another thing. Haha. Yeah. I am indirectly trying to tell you guys, I'm finally defeated. I didn't do well in many subjects. I failed to execute my ideas. But so what? That's not the end of the world. I will still go on with my never-die spirit AKA my kiasu spirit in the coming semester, trying my best to achieve my goal.
Arh.. That's all I wanna talk about here la. Want more information? Please msn me and ajak me out okay.. I damn bloody sien at home now. ==