Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When I start to question myself

One said, success is 99% of perspiration + 1% of luck.

I say, success is 50% of perspiration + 50% of luck.

I would like to put myself as the main subject of this post. No "you", no "we", no "they". Just "I".

I think I had tried my best to manage my time. Best as in BEST!! I tried to balance up the time to do the assignments for EVERY SINGLE subject. I even cut down the time to sleep as more time is spent on experimenting and researching. Yet, sometimes, plans and hard works don't promise a good payback.

I saw people that scored way better than me even though the effort we put on the assignment might be about the same. All I can do is to tell myself, well, well,... maybe, I just don't have the talent. But hey! Come to think of it. I am just a beginner. It's okay to fail for as long as I know what's the mistake I've done. But,.. even though I know what the mistake is, so what? Like as if I know what I should do to correct the mistake. But, but,... (there's always a but) at least, I know what's the mistake I should avoid in future. But, but, but,... this process is way too time consuming. Lee Joe Jian ini orang sangat busy. Cannot afford to fail at this period. (this is the main point)

So, what should I do now? Duh.. I've spent 3 hours and 17 minutes in questioning myself what should I do? what should I do? Now, I shall move on to my next assignment and bury the doubts in hell. Gambateh Lee Joe Jian!!!

Gambateh my dear TOA friends. Let's not let this semester challenge us. But instead, let us work hard to challenge the semester. Hiakkk!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Everyone is feeling sorry

It's seriously bad for our college putting us in this situation. This has definitely nothing to do with bad time management. We had been working hard for non-stop. We don't even have sufficient time to rest. Is this what it's supposed to be? Designers don't have to care about their health??? This is rubbish la! TOA must really examine again the way they sort the subjects out.

Lastly, why must we even feel sorry to our health? It's TOA that should be feeling sorry about it. We have tried our best. That's all we can do.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello TOA

Hello TOA!

You mau kita semua mati si kiao kiao??

Saya teramat sangat tired.

Tiap-tiap hari rush rush rush. Tak boleh rest.

Tidur also mimpi assignment. Mimpi tu sangat scary.

Saya mau cabut lari, lari, lari.

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